Are You Making the Most of Your Creative Potential?
In a continuation of our series about being more productive, the power of your own creativity deserves some consideration: “Creativity is a bigger predictor of success in life than intelligence.”
Whether you’re a self-employed entrepreneur, solopreneur or a business owner with staff, the power of your creativity undoubtedly got you to where you are now. No business is born without first being creatively envisioned.
Without creativity, there are no ideas, visions, or inspiration. Work feels like a burden, rather than an opportunity for expression, contribution and a sense of satisfaction. If you’re feeling stuck in a rut, un-inspired, cynical or just plain bored in your work, ask yourself this:
Is it time to dust the cobwebs off your creative flow? Identify areas of your career or business you feel stuck or bored with, and what needs an overhaul. Maybe you’ve been putting off building a new website or re-branding your business for example. You know it needs doing, but feel blocked.
Here’s a few ways you can ignite the spark of your creativity:
- Get out of your comfort zone by registering for a conference or event to meet new people and learn new things.
- Perhaps, get new ideas from a Virtual Assistant 🙂
- Learn a new hobby or art – this trains the mind to develop creative problem-solving skills.
- Go to art galleries, museums or cultural events on the weekends.
- Take dancing or singing lessons, or try a new physical activity like yoga or Tai Chi – get your body moving in new ways.
- Listen to TED Talks or other inspiring podcasts while commuting or on the weekends.
- Have a recorder or pen and paper handy to capture ideas and new perspectives as they come to you.
Need a bit of inspiration? You’ll find it in these books:
- Big Magic, Creative Living Beyond Fear, by Elizabeth Gilbert. Learn more here.
- inGenius: A Crash Course on Creativity, by Tina Seelig. Learn more here.
Enjoy the process of cultivating your creative inspiration. It’s worth the effort!