The Importance of Goal Setting to Move Your Business Forward

The Importance of Goal Setting to Move Your Business Forward

Goal setting for your business is an essential tool for success. What are your goals? What do you envision your accomplishments will be this time next year? If you get a blank on either of these questions, don’t worry, you’re not alone. But if you’re plowing through each day just dealing with what’s in front of you, the result is getting caught in the habit of “reaction”. With the hectic…

Embrace Self-Development as a Strategy for Success

Embrace Self-Development as a Strategy for Success

Personal and professional development is a must for entrepreneurs. The journey of self-development never stops. As we continue to explore the topic of business success and productivity, we can’t ignore the reality that without investing in our own development, we can quickly fall behind. “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” ~Henry Ford Today’s dynamic and fast-changing workplace demands that…

How to Harness the Power of Creativity in Your Business

How to Harness the Power of Creativity in Your Business

Are You Making the Most of Your Creative Potential? In a continuation of our series about being more productive, the power of your own creativity deserves some consideration: “Creativity is a bigger predictor of success in life than intelligence.” Whether you’re a self-employed entrepreneur, solopreneur or a business owner with staff, the power of your creativity undoubtedly got you to where you are now. No business is born without first being…

Organizing Your Office: Why Attitude Matters

Organizing Your Office: Why Attitude Matters

Is Your Productivity Suffering Because of Your Attitude? In a continuation of our series about getting super organized and productive, we can’t neglect the elephant in the room: our attitude. It’s where it all begins. The quality of our attitude will most certainly determine the outcome of our work performance and satisfaction at the end of the day. Countless studies prove that workplace attitude impacts our level of innovation and…

Organizing Your Office: Appreciating What You’ve Got

Organizing Your Office: Appreciating What You’ve Got

How an Attitude of Appreciation Can Boost Productivity. As we continue to explore what’s involved in being productive in your workspace, this second post in our series explores the role of appreciation. The dictionary defines “appreciation” as the recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something. A quote by Ralph Marston says, “Truly appreciate life and you’ll find that you have more of it.” Organizing your workspace…